65 – Chemo 💊💉- Prep Round – ✅…Round 1 – 🎯

Monday 10/23/17

Carter won Bingo again today!  He won an Angel’s towel and a fanny pack!

Some good news – Carter is breathing better today, and they can finally hear the left lobe of his lung.  They couldn’t hear that lung before.

Thursday he is scheduled to have a scan.  Friday he’ll have a high dose of chemo, Saturday – Monday more chemo.

On Monday he’ll have a port put in and a lumbar puncture.

John has updated Carter’s mission blog for the last 2 weeks – some descriptions and pictures.  He includes the letter Carter’s mission companion, Elder Seth VanMaren, wrote to his family after Carter’s departure.  It is a very touching tribute to Carter and well worth reading!  If you are not receiving the blog updates and would like to, go to https://elderlowmission.wordpress.com/,  click on the Follow box on the lower right of the screen, and enter your email address.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and well-wishes!  You have blessed the Low family immensely!

Tuesday 10/24/17

Today Carter had a headache and high blood pressure.  They resolved the headache by giving him more liquids.  The high blood pressure is a result of the steroids.  (The steroids are being used to shrink the masses and in turn open his airways.)  Carter is now on medication for the high blood pressure

Carter was videotaped today for CHOC’s big fundraiser!  He won Bingo (again!), and 4 games of Celebrity recognition.

Carter is thinking of coloring his hair before he shaves it off.  If you’d like to vote on what color you think he should color it, send me your input and I’ll pass on the results to Carter!

Carter will be receiving blood/platelets with every round of chemo.  If you would like to donate, there is info below on how to set up an appointment.  It would be great to have lots of friends on Carter’s Designated Donors list, to supply the blood for his transfusions!

Alexis arrived today and is staying until Saturday morning!  The Low’s hope to get a family picture while she is here.

Your prayers for Carter and his family are so much appreciated!

 CHOC Blood Donor Services

When you call for an appointment, tell them you are donating for Carter Low.  They are compiling a list for Designated Donors for Carter.

Appointments:  714-509-8339

Mon – Fri, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm (last appt starts at 5:30 pm)

505 S. Main St, Orange, CA (CHOC Commerce Tower) (This is close to CHOC.)

You will be there about an hour.  They will give you instructions and directions when you call for the appt.

They will schedule you for whole blood for the first visit, and do a pre-screening.  If your blood is compatible with Carter’s he will get it.  If not, your platelets may be compatible, or they may be able to use anyone’s platelets, depending on the Dr.s orders (as I understand it.)

The center will stagger appointments for Carter so he gets the right amounts at the right times.  Also, Carter’s Dr. will let John and Colleen know the times when Carter will need blood, they will talk to the Blood center, and the center will call those on the donor list to see who can come donate at the right times as they need more.

Whole blood can be donated every 56 days (sometimes more often if you meet the criteria).  Platelets can be donated every 2 weeks.

Blood Donors Must:

  • Be in good health
  • Be at least 17 years old
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Have no history of hepatitis or AIDS
  • Have no history of chest pain or cardiac surgery

On the Day of Donation, Blood Donors Must:

  • Bring a photo ID to the donor center
  • Be free of cold and flu symptoms
  • Eat a good meal within three hours of donating
  • Have medications and medical conditions reviewed by the donor center staff
  • Not have taken any aspirin, aspirin products or ibuprofen within 48 hours of donating platelets

More info is available at the website below or by calling the appointment line.


Wednesday 10/25/17

Carter won Bingo once today.  😊  He went to the hospital gym and rode the bike.

And Romeo, a labradoodle hospital therapy dog, came to visit Carter today!

Carter has had a headache today, and still has high blood pressure.

They met with the Dr. today to review his treatment and the drugs he will be given.  They also reviewed the side effects (some are awful, as you know).

Carter will have a CT scan tomorrow to see if his tumors shrank enough to get a port on Monday.

Friday, they give him prep stuff.   Saturday, he will get high high doses of chemo.

Carter watched Game 2 of the World Series and was excited the Houston Astros won.

Thanks so much for your love and support for Carter and his family.

Please keep him in your prayers.

Thursday 10/26/17

Today Carter won at Bingo 4 times!  He also had visits from several Star Wars characters and a couple of clowns.

He had his CT Scan.  He still has a headache, possibly from the steroids and dehydration.  The pain medication does not help with these.

There are several classes John and Colleen have to take (with tests to pass), on how to care for Carter when he can go home.  John took one today.

Alexis has been spending the nights with Carter, so John and Colleen have both been able to return home these past few nights.

Carter received great news this evening on the results of the CT scan of his lungs – they have > 20 percent reduction.  They will get more details tomorrow on the results when they get to see the Dr.  This means they will put ports in Monday for Carter’s chemo treatment.

Tomorrow, they will do chemo prep on Carter during the day (which I believe includes starting some of the meds), and they will start chemo Friday night.  Carter will have doses every day, then, until next Thursday.  Then they monitor and wait for his counts to come back up before they give him the next set of chemo doses.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Carter and his family!  Your love and support are a rich blessing to them at this time. John and Colleen feel your love and are so grateful for you.

Please continue praying for Carter as he starts this next difficult phase of his treatment – chemo – that it might be effective and that he might be able to endure it as well as possible.

Friday 10/27

The good news today was that Carter had a 40% reduction in mass size in his lungs (results from the CT scan yesterday).

The Low’s were able to get a family photo today, before Alexis heads back to Texas tomorrow morning.

edical team started Carter’s chemotherapy this morning.  It is extremely difficult, as expected.  He is fatigued and in pain.Tomorrow Carter will not have chemo.  It will start back up on Sunday and he will have it each day until Thursday. Carter hopes to dye his hair blue tomorrow.Please continue to keep Carter in your prayers.  The Low’s love you and are grateful for your faith, prayers, and friendship.

Saturday 10/28

Today was a non-chemo day for Carter.  He had a headache, but other than that felt ok.

And it was a busy day.  He had visitor’s, and then his neighbor’s Stacy and Kendall Traylor came and dyed his hair blue!  I am attaching a few pictures for those who didn’t see Carter getting his hair dyed on Facebook.  And Mason, in support of Carter and all he is going through, shaved his own hair today (which Carter plans to do sometime in the near future).<<<<<<<<<<<<
iends, Jocelyn and Sophia, brought an art project to do with him – painting pumpkins!This evening Carter had pain meds and is resting.

Tomorrow through Thursday Carter will have more chemo.

One of the nurse’s told Colleen today that kids who have lots of visitors and a big, super network do better because they don’t feel isolated and depressed.    John and Colleen are so grateful for your love and support and the difference you are making in Carter’s life!

Sunday 10/29

Carter won Bingo 3 times today!  His blue hair is the talk of the floor.  Carter had several visitors and painted a rock today.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
d continues to be infused with chemo today.  Tomorrow he will have a lumbar puncture and hopefully have ports inserted.

Carter and John watched Game 5 of the World Series, what an amazing display of baseball ⚾️ at it’s finest. I will send updates every few days, or as there is news, on Carter.

The Low’s appreciate your prayers and support!

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